
How Linkedin Helps in Sales And Marketing

Many people think of LinkedIn as a networking solution for professionals as well as job seekers. However, that is not the case, and there are a lot of other benefits of the platform as well. Sure, there are millions of professionals who use LinkedIn as a measure of growing their professional network and finding jobs on a daily basis, but little do these professionals know that the platform can also be used to grow business and increase the sales of the company as well.

Digital marketing professionals have started to incorporate the platform in the social media marketing package because they understand how important it can be while generating leads. If you are a company located in Bangalore and are looking for a Digital Marketing company in Bangalore, LinkedIn is the platform to start since you will see the most professional companies on the network. It is not like the other social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram since every discussion on the platform is almost all about business or careers. On other social media platforms, the companies are in direct contact with their consumers and marketing is quite easy on them with casual postings and status updates. However, things are a little tricky on LinkedIn.

The audience on LinkedIn is totally professional and career-focused. If companies start to blatantly push their products and services, your audience will see that as spamming and not the right place. If you are wondering how to start using the platform as a tool for sales and marketing, here are some tips that will help you set the way.

Find The Right Audience

Building a targeted audience is one of the main things in Digital Marketing. Any business can increase its sales and marketing if its audience is entirely made up of the targeted audience that is interested in the industry. If 90 out of 100 people in your audience are all related to the industry, they will respond well to the updates that you push out on LinkedIn. The advertising opportunities on the platform are also quite diverse, and you can find more of like-minded professionals on LinkedIn.

Keep In Touch With The Audience

The proper way to keep in touch with the audience is to understand what they want and make them think that they are getting in touch with you rather than the other way around. You have to search for the people who meet your criteria and then introduce them to your company. These people then find clients for you throughout their own networks. You have to share daily updates and perhaps post a LinkedIn blog on a weekly basis. Also, share monthly emails with your network with updates of how your products are solving problems for end-users. It is quite an inexpensive way of generating leads for your company’s products.

Indulge In Email Marketing

Email marketing is quite important when it comes to generating leads. A weekly email to your clients with the updates can increase their connection to your company and help them understand your company on a deeper basis. Keep on growing your email list, and you can do that through CTA buttons on your website or running a campaign on LinkedIn. Create an offer that is exclusive to the people who sign up for your email list to ensure that people sign up to receive emails from your company.

Now, you might be thinking that you could do this on any other social media platform as well. That is true since LinkedIn offers almost the same demographics as the other social media platforms but with an added feature. You can target your audience based on their location, gender, age, and also their careers. Sponsored posts can be targeted on the basis of company name, job titles, job functions, skills, schools, groups, and interested industries.

Content Is King

No matter where you go, in Digital Marketing, the content always remains the king. You have to generate high-quality content for all your status updates, weekly blogs, and emails to your customers. If your content is of poor quality, your network will start to break, and people will soon become uninterested in all your posts and your business’ profile. If that happens, you can simply forget about generating any sales from LinkedIn since people always expect the platform to hold up to some high standards than the other social media platforms available to them.

Gain Momentum

Posting directly on LinkedIn rather than sharing a link has become a trend in today’s times because it is quite easy for the posts to gain momentum on the platform rather than redirecting the people to a third-party website. If your blog starts to gain a spotlight among the people, the platform automatically starts to promote it in one of their categories and soon, you will be seeing the readership going into thousands. This increased visibility goes a long way into increasing your brand’s value and driving up the sales.

Avoid Hard Selling

This is the one point that you have to remember when you are on LinkedIn. Let your network come to you rather than forcing your product on your customers. Keep up to date with the latest trends and be “discovered” on LinkedIn rather than forcefully connecting with everyone you see. LinkedIn is not a place to start cold calls, and you should let an experienced professional in the field of Digital Marketing handle your LinkedIn page rather than let your salesforce do the talking on the platform.

Connections & Relationships

Everything on LinkedIn starts with building connections. These are the people who will see your company as a valuable part of the industry only if you are contributing in a positive way. Slowly but steadily, you will build a relationship with your network, and they will always be looking forward to updates from your company. This leads on to quite a lot of referral business and posts sharing, which in turn leads to a higher number of connections. In the end, it is all just a game of numbers.