
10 Best SEO Techniques You Need to Be Using in 2020-21

SEO techniques develop every day. If you have worked through search engine optimization basics, it is time for you to explore advanced SEO techniques in 2021 to bring more organic traffic to your web page. 

Let us learn the latest SEO techniques for 2021 that you can use to improve your webpage performance and quality.

1. Observe Your Competitors’ Best Performing Pages 

It is always a benefit to track your competitor’s website. It helps you understand what you have to do to make your webpage better. It is one of the SEO techniques 2021, which help you analyze your competitor’s website to the next level and learn why that particular feature works on their website before using it on your website. 

Observe Your Competitors’ on best pages

The best SEO techniques 2021 to be used is to sort the best-performing pages of your competitors’ webpages and analyze from which sources you can generate the organic traffic.  

You can check it out for – 

There are many apps and websites where you can analyze the organic traffic of your competitors’ webpages. After analyzing the best pages of your competitor’s, you can start working on how to steal the same traffic to your web page. You can start with keyword research as it will help you to improve your overall content at the page level.

2. Develop a content strategy based on Keyword Gap analysis

After creating a website, you have to update its content regularly. The two focus areas for your webpages will be-

Content Strategy

These two are the best SEO tips to improve your content and make it rank higher while searching. Optimizing your existing content is a gradual process; most websites might have already optimized their content pieces on their website pages.

The next step to focus on is creating new content. It will help if you dive all your energy into creating quality content. You have to create content in a meaningful way so that you can justify why you wrote that in the first place. It means you need a lot of time and a SEO strategy to plan out your web page content.

One of the best SEO techniques is to analyze keyword gaps. It will help you rank like your competitors, which were earlier not possible as you didn’t analyze the gaps. There are many websites and apps where you can analyze keyword gaps for your website.

3. Optimize Core Web Vitals for 2021

Google has recently announced that core web vitals will act like ranking signals from May 2021. It will contain signals like 

Work for Core Web Vitals – LCP & CLS

To optimize your website to this technology as per the Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) & Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS), you must make sure that your website is light – it must load within 1 to 2 seconds. Your website’s first input delay or the time taken by the user to interact with your webpage must be less than 100 ms.

4. Improve your Click Through Rate using pay per click trial and error

CTR, also known as Click Through Rate is usually is affected by two elements

Improve your Click Through Rate

These two elements work with websites as well as YouTube. How to find out which title tag is searched the most? It is a process of trial and error. You can analyze each title tag separately and understand which one of them is searched the most, and if you want faster results, then you control PPC to test the meta tags, meta descriptions, and title tags.

If you haven’t invested in a Pay Per Click campaign, it is beneficial to set up ads for your webpages to check which title tags and meta descriptions are working. So, as you receive enough clicks on your ads, you know which tags and description work with the audience and give you organic CTR.

5. Use Internal Links to Supercharge Page 2 Rankings

If your page is ranking on page 2 and not page 1, then you can boost it. How?

Internal Linking

The best on-page SEO techniques you must consider for this is adding internal links to your websites. Internal links improve page ranking and relevancy signals. You will see your website jump to page 1 easily.

6. Steal Your Competitor’s Broken Backlinks

As a website owner, you can try the broken backlink building technique to improve your page ranking on search. Check for pages that lead you to error 404 on your competitor’s webpage.

Track Competitor’s Broken Backlinks

When you check these links for indexed pages, it will show no Page rank. With this technique’s help, you can suggest similar content for your webpage and replace the broken link. You can help the user to find useful content rather than ending up with a dead link.

7. Use Supporting Content to Show Topical Expertise

You must optimize your content not just for keywords but also for topics. People search for questions all the time, so if your topic is a long-tail keyword, the user is directly headed to the answer and then eventually to other content of the webpage.

Supporting Content – Image credit: Mongools

You can write supporting content regarding the topic that adds topical depth to your content. Publishing content on trending topics work most of the time, but writing opinion-based pieces are suitable for off-page techniques like posting for forums and social media promotion .

8. Make Your PR Team’s Efforts Work Harder for SEO and Turn Brand Mentions into Links

Work Harder for SEO and Turn Brand Mentions into Links – EAT

Many businesses get online press mentions even when they are not working on PR strategy. It is a fact that not all press mentions will have a link attached to them. Many times, it is only your brand name that is mentioned.

You can persuade the journalists and tell them why your brand mention along with the link add value to their publication.

9. Optimize for Image Search

Apart from writing optimized content, it is part of on-page SEO techniques, which is significate that you optimize the image as well. Some of the popular techniques for image search optimization are:

Optimize for Image Search

10. Clean Up Toxic Links

Backlinks help you rank better on Google search, but at the same time, wrong links affect the ranking drastically.

Clean Up Toxic Links

Which links to avoid?

Here is a list.

You can check your website’s toxic link through various tools available online.

So, here are the top 10 SEO techniques 2021 you can use to improve your content quality and ranking on Google search for 2021. All of them work efficiently. All you need to do is a bit of research on your competitors’ websites and your content.