How to fix @Autowired – No qualifying bean of type found for dependency in Spring Boot? [Solved]

@Autowired is an annotation provided by the Spring framework, which is used to automatically wire beans together by type in a Spring Boot application. If you’re encountering the error “No qualifying bean of type found for dependency,” it usually means that Spring couldn’t find a matching bean to inject for the specified type.

Here are some common reasons for this error and their respective solutions:

  1. Missing or misplaced @Component or @Service annotation:

Make sure that the class you want to inject is annotated with either @Component, @Service, @Repository, or @Controller. This annotation indicates that the class should be managed by the Spring container and can be injected as a dependency.

public class MyClass {
    // ...
  1. Component scan is not configured correctly:

By default, Spring Boot scans packages and sub-packages from the main application class’s package. If your bean class is in a different package, you should specify the package to be scanned using the @ComponentScan annotation in your main application class.

@ComponentScan(basePackages = {"com.example.myapp", "com.example.otherpackage"})
public class MyApplication {
    public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
  1. Missing or incorrect configuration class:

If the bean is defined in a Java configuration class, make sure the class is annotated with @Configuration and the bean method with @Bean

public class MyConfiguration {
    public MyClass myClass() {
        return new MyClass();
  1. Circular dependency:

If you have a circular dependency between two beans, Spring may fail to resolve them correctly. You can use the @Lazy annotation to break the cycle.

public class ClassA {
    private ClassB classB;

public class ClassB {
    private ClassA classA;
  1. Profiles:

If you are using Spring profiles, ensure that the bean is available for the active profile. The bean could be missing due to being associated with a different profile.

If none of the above solutions work, try checking your project’s configuration and dependencies thoroughly, and ensure that you’re using compatible versions of Spring Boot and other libraries.

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